Sleepology Baby Sleep Class

IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING WITH: BEDTIME BATTLES, NIGHT WAKINGS, EARLY RISING, SHORT NAPS, ETC. YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! Lexi O’Malley is an infant & toddler sleep specialist at MyBaby Sleepology. Over the years MyBaby Sleepology has helped thousands of families across the world achieve better sleep. Lexi is a firm believer that all children can be great sleepers and that healthy sleep for the entire family is extremely important!
Our sleep training methodology is based on the science behind sleep, working to optimize your little one’s proper sleep windows. Did you know that sleep training does not have to mean “cry it out”? We are trained in all methods and we will work together to determine a method that is aligned with your cry tolerance and your child’s temperament. Together we will come up with a plan that you can implement and will guide you each step of the way.
$25 per person
*babies in arms are welcome, no siblings please*
May 18th @ 10am

Discipline Classes

Learning Objectives
1. Understanding developmental stages and age-appropriate behavior.
2. Implementing positive reinforcement techniques.
3. Establishing clear and consistent expectations.
4. Practical insights into using time-outs and creating calm down spaces.
5. Enhancing communication with young children.
6. Utilizing redirection and distraction effectively.
7. Modeling behavior for positive influence.
8. Allowing natural consequences to facilitate learning.
9. Emphasizing patience and empathy in discipline.10. Encouraging a unified approach with parents.
$10 per person
June 22 @ 10 am
*registration is required*

Individual Counseling with Meghan

Are you worried about pregnancy?
Are you not feeling like yourself since having your baby (or babies!)?
Are you having scary thoughts about something happening to your baby or you?
Are you struggling to process a scary or traumatic birth experience?
Are you missing your life before becoming a Mom?
Let’s talk about it!!
Pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood can be confusing and overwhelming even if everything goes according to plan! Getting the right support is vital!
Individual counseling sessions will be offered every Friday at KPMM!! These sessions will be 30 minutes long.
$12 per session or $40 for 4 sessions.
*please register in advance*

The Birth Story Share Circle

There are not many events in life that compare to the intense experience of childbirth. Whether a birth goes smoothly or causes trauma, there are always many feelings and emotions to unpack and process afterwards. This 3-part workshop will provide a safe and nurturing space for participants to tell and process their birth stories, no matter the outcome or whether it was a positive experience, a negative experience, or somewhere in between. This is a series of meetings – the first meeting will invite the mother to tell the story without their partner present. The second meeting is for the partner to tell the same story from a parallel experience point of view. Finally, the third meeting will allow the couples to come together to design a process art labyrinth representing their heroic journey through birth; an exercise that will help to solidify the storytelling process. Babes in arms are welcome.
Wednesdays 2-3 pm
3 week session: 5/15, 5/22 and 5/29
$75 per couple – includes all materials
*please register in advance*


We are offering 10 minute Mini Sessions with Jennifer Zall Photography and Design in our Baby Cafe! Against a themed backdrop, capture this moment in time. For $50 you get 1 high resolution digital per family and online gallery. (*this program is non-refundable*)
Please arrive 5-7 minutes before your session begins.

Father’s Day Minis: May 26th 9-11am and 12-2pm

Fall Minis: September 22nd 9-11am and 12-2pm

Fall Minis: September 29th 9-11am

Holiday Minis: October 27th 9-11am and 12-2pm

Holiday Minis: November 3rd 9-11am

Notes for all classes:

*Please register in advance*

*All programs are non-refundable*

Please drive around behind Meineke to the second Keeping Pace entrance and enter through the glass doors with festive wreath.