Just found out that you are expecting twins, triplets, or quadruplets? First of all, Congratulations! We are so glad that you found us! We remember all too well the “shock” of learning we were going to have more than one baby all at once! We have put together a list of important “to-do’s” when you first find out you are expecting multiples to help put your mind at ease. These are the things we wish we would have known way back when we first learned that we were having our triplets!
Breathe! It is going to be ok! We are here for you to offer support and encouragement during your pregnancy and after!
- Get yourself a good high risk doctor. You can find one by doing a search for a Board Certified Perinatologist.
- Have your doctor go over signs of pre-term labor and learn to listen to your body!
- Make an appointment to meet with a good nutritionist to increase your intake in a healthy manner.
- Sign up to take our Parenting Multiples Boot Camp! This is a non-medical class that will tell you what to expect on the day to day life with your multiples! This class is offered at our Main street location call to register for a private class at 389 West Center Street in W. Bridgewater (508) 559-0040, or register online for a scheduled upcoming class.
- Attend one of our SPRINT (support group) Meetings! You will learn that you are not alone in this journey. Come out and hear the funny stories, strategies to get your babies to sleep through the night, and network with other parents of multiples! ***Babies in carriers always welcomed! For locations use the menu on the left under SPRINT Meetings.
- Read, Read, and then Read some more! Learn everything you can about your exciting pregnancy. ***See KPMM’s favorite suggested reading list on our web site!
- Join our wonderful support group. We have been called a “Life-line” to help get you through your pregnancy and for those first few sleepless months with your bundles of joy! SPRINT meetings are the last Monday of the month held at our Center of Operations, 389 West Center Street in W. Bridgewater. (508) 559-0040
Remember to breathe, relax, and to take good care of yourself!We hope to meet you soon up at our Center of Operations in West Bridgewater!
~ Pam & Donna