Tiny Table Infant Formula and Food Pantry
Receiving: The Tiny Table is a donation run infant food pantry. The food pantry is available to any custodial parent regardless of income, hometown, or how many children you have. Just please bring a photo ID with you when you come for pickup. You are able to receive up to 2 cans of formula and 10 jars of baby food during each 7 day period.
Donations: Anyone can donate formula or food to the pantry during our open hours (Mon-Sat 10-4). We just ask that you check to make sure formula/food is unopened and has not expired yet. If the food is expired we can NOT put it out on our shelves. Our food pantry can not run without the generous donations from the community! Our inventory changes day to day based on donations so keep checking back if you need something we don’t have in stock.
369 Families
65 Communities
640 Cans of Formula Donated
826 Jars of Baby Food Donated
$18,403 Worth of Formula/Food Donated
None of this would be possible without the generous donations from our customers and community! Thank you all for helping make this possible!