*Registration is required for all programs*


3 Week Classes Run by certified infant massage instructor Lindsey Deolim from Mentor SouthBay.

Benefits of Infant Massage:
Encourages interaction between you and your baby. Help your baby relax and sleep. Positively affect infant hormones that control stress. Reduce crying. Helps with gas and colic. Constipation and elimination. Growing pains and muscular tension. Teething discomfort.

Thursdays, 1:30pm-2:30pm, cost is $30. This class is a 3 week session. Please bring a blanket for your baby to lay on.


3/27, 4/3, 4/10

Tummy Timers Baby Class

Join us for a Tummy Timers Baby Class, a weekly developmental movement group with local parents and therapist, Jessica Crowley PT, DPT for a fun and informative class with a focus on getting your baby to love tummy time while intentionally playing with your baby! The class will run in 3 week sessions and will consist of different tummy time activities for your baby to help work towards their developmental milestones. This class is meant to get your babies moving while you meet other local parents and chat with a pediatric physical therapist about positioning, developmental milestones, best containers/toys to have in your house and easy ideas for home!
Upcoming Sessions:
Mondays, April 4/7, 4/14, 4/28 from 5:30-6:30 PM
Mondays, May 5/5, 5/12, 5/19 from 5:30-6:30PM
$36 for 3 weeks or $20 drop-in
*registration is required*

Newborn Movement Class

A 3 week developmental movement group with local moms and therapist, Jessica Crowley PT, DPT for a fun and informative class with a focus on getting your newborn baby ready to move. Babies 0-5 months will benefit from tips and tricks from a pediatric therapist to encourage movement and good positioning to help your tiny baby grow. The class will run for 3 weeks and cover positioning, safe sleep, developmental milestones (side lying, rolling, tummy time), best containers/ toys to have in the house, diagnoses in young babies such as Plagiocephaly, Torticollis, etc. and easy ideas for home.
Upcoming Sessions:
Fridays,  April 4/4, 4/11, 4/18 from 9:30-10:30 am
Fridays, May 5/2, 5/9, 5/16 from 9:30-10:30 am
3 weeks for $36 or $20 drop-in
*registration is required*


*Please register in advance*

*All programs are non-refundable*

Please drive around behind Meineke to the second Keeping Pace entrance and enter through the glass doors with festive wreath.